Grenfell Promotion and Tenure Sessions

President’s Update


April 22nd, 2024

 Grenfell Promotion and Tenure Sessions

The MUNFA Executive Committee, in collaboration with members from the St. John’s Campus and Grenfell Campus Academic Freedom and Grievance (AF&G) Committees, will be hosting sessions for Grenfell ASMs on Promotion and Tenure (P&T) files and reviews. These sessions, which are offered to  ASMs undergoing Promotion and Tenure as well as ASMs serving on upcoming P&T Committees, will be specifically tailored to assist Grenfell ASMs as they begin the P&T review process following the devastating cyberattack that occurred in late December 2023.

The sessions will be lead by Erika Merschrod (Chemistry – St. John’s campus) and Andrew Testa (Fine Arts – Grenfell Campus). MUNFA’s President, Josh Lepawsky (Geography – St. John’s) will also be in attendance.

The sessions will be held on Friday May 10 according to the schedule below. A lunch will also be provided for those attending on campus.

To register for the sessions, please email and specify if you will be attending in person or remotely. If you are planning to attend in person and join us for lunch, please advise of any dietary restrictions with your registration.


SCHEDULE – Friday May 10, 2024


Session 1: Guidance for tenure-track ASMs

10 am – 11:30 am

In person location: FA224


LUNCH (12:00-1:00 pm)

Location: Fine Arts Atrium


Session 2: Guidance for P&T Committees

1:00-2:30 pm

In person location: FA 224

Josh Lepawsky

Professor of Geography and MUNFA President