An increasing number of teachers at Canada’s colleges and universities are trapped in precarious contract and part-time work. Contract and part-time work has quietly gone from a short-term stepping-stone to a career-long condition. Many earn less than a living wage and have little or no job security.
Thousands of professors are denied the opportunity each year to participate in (and be paid for) all aspects of academic work – research, teaching, and service. Working from contract to contract, they can’t be sure of a job from one term to the next. This has serious implications, not only for contract academic staff, but for students, their regular academic staff colleagues, and the integrity of post-secondary institutions.
We can change this, by improving the working conditions and job security of contract academic staff.
In the wake of Fair Employment Week (Oct. 22-26, 2018), join the MUN Faculty Association on Thursday, November 1, 2018 at 12:00pm in the Arts Atrium to raise awareness of, and challenge, the rise of precarious employment at Memorial University. We encourage you to join us in supporting our contractual and sessional colleagues, and all those within the university who face precarious employment.