Travel Allocations/Surplus at Year End 2004/05

In February 2000, MUN and MUNFA signed a Memorandum of Understanding whereby at the end of each fiscal year, travel funds allocated as per Clause 26.02 that were not spent during the relevant fiscal year would be distributed under specific circumstances. One of those circumstances is that those who have used their Professional Development Reimbursement (PDER) to supplement travel would be reimbursed all or some of the PDER. Another is that those who submitted receipts in excess of the amount they had been reimbursed would receive a further reimbursement. The amounts of the reimbursements would be pro-rated depending on the surplus remaining for each Faculty or School.

In the 2004/05 fiscal year, the following Faculties or Schools reported surplus funds as of March 31, 2005. Below is a list of those Faculties and Schools:

Faculty of Arts

$ 2,474

Faculty of Education

$ 3,292

Faculty of Engineering


School of Nursing

$ 5,553

School of Social Work

$ 2,438

School of Pharmacy

$ 3,000

School of Music

$ 885

Human Kinetics & Recreation

$ 4,643


$ 600

Sir Wilfred Grenfell College

$ 4,215

To date, and to MUNFA’s knowledge, these have not yet been disbursed. If you have reason to think you may be due a further reimbursement, please contact your Department Head, Director or Dean and Dr. J. E. Strawbridge, Director, Faculty Relations. If you have any questions, please contact the MUNFA office at ext. 8642.