MUNFA has recently received a number of queries from Academic Staff Members (ASMs) seeking credit for teaching outside the ASM’s home Academic Unit (AU). In that regard, we wish to draw your attention to Clause 3.29 in the Collective Agreement (CA). This is a relatively new addition to Article 3, added as a result of the settlement of a grievance. While the Clause addresses both classroom teaching, and graduate supervision, we wish to draw your attention specifically to the preamble where it makes clear that such teaching will only be credited to the respective ASM if such “…teaching duties are assigned or approved by their Administrative Head.” In particular, with respect to graduate supervision, since the university administration has yet to edit graduate supervision forms to allow an explicit line for the signature of an Administrative Head outside the AU in which the supervision takes place, MUNFA wishes to advise ASMs to be proactive in seeking their Administrative Head signature on these forms to indicate approval, and to receive teaching credit.
If ASMs encounter difficulty with this form, or process, or have additional queries, please contact MUNFA at or call 864-8642.