Whenever an Academic Staff Member (ASM) uses university-owned equipment off-campus, MUNFA has learned that a specific university policy applies, and that a specific form outlining what is being used, is required to be completed and signed by the ASM.

MUNFA has been asked to examine the University’s policy on Off-Campus Use of Equipment, as well as the Authorization form for such use that an ASM is required to sign.

The Authorization form states, I agree to accept full responsibility for any loss or damage to it [equipment], as outlined in University policy relating to off-campus use of equipment…

The policy on Off-Campus Use of Equipment states, Since the equipment is being used in connection with University-sponsored off-campus activities, University insurance policies and procedures apply.

Nevertheless, a few lines further down, the same policy goes on to say, Individuals should indicate on the Authorization for the Off-Campus Use of Equipment form whether or not their home owner’s policy will cover the equipment for damages or loss. In instances where the employee’s policy will provide coverage the individual should consent for the University to make a claim against the policy for damages.

This contradiction, on whether – or not – an individual ASM, or the university, will cover damage or loss of university equipment while used on university business off-campus, is troubling. Until MUNFA can raise this issue with, and obtain clarity from, the university administration, we suggest that ASMs not sign the Authorization form. In the meantime, if you simply must borrow and use university-owned items off-campus in the near future, it is our understanding that since this issue arose, in some Academic Units, the Administrative Head has signed the Authorization form in lieu of the individual ASM responsible.

If you have further questions or comments, please contact the MUNFA Office at 864.8642, or