Preparing for Possible Job Action Prior to Winter Break

As your Negotiating Committee reported on Dec. 2, negotiations with the administration’s bargaining team have reached an impasse. Despite repeated attempts on MUNFA’s part to move to a more agreeable position, each of the administration’s package proposals to MUNFA was essentially the same. Because of this, it became clear that there was no further progress to be made.

On Dec. 14, the conciliator filed his report with the Minister Responsible for Labour. The two parties are now in a 15-day “cooling-off period” that will last until Dec. 29. As of Dec. 29, the university administration will be in a position to lock out MUNFA members, and MUNFA members will be in a position to hold a strike vote. It is not MUNFA’s intention to initiate job action over the holiday break. Details about the Special General Meeting (SGM) that will precede a strike vote will be communicated to members. Only after a successful strike vote can the Executive Committee authorize job action.

It remains the priority of MUNFA’s Executive, Negotiating Committee, and membership to reach a deal at the bargaining table. Your bargaining team has indicated to all concerned that it is ready to return to negotiations as soon as the administration is.

Preparations for possible job action

Membership meeting before end of term

MUNFA’s Executive Committee will host a meeting on December 19 from 2:30-4 pm on Zoom for members who have questions or concerns about the state of negotiations; the possibility of a lockout or strike; or other issues. Click here to register for this meeting. This is not the previously mentioned SGM.

Remove personal items from office before break

Because there is a possibility of lockout after Dec. 29, all MUNFA members are advised to consider bringing any important personal items home with you before the break. While preparation is key, MUNFA’s Executive Committee wishes to note for members that lockouts prior to union-initiated job action are uncommon in this sector — the most recent lockout of a faculty association was in 2007. This is the administration’s latest update regarding collective bargaining and the winter term.

Monitor your email for more information As this is a developing situation, members are encouraged to monitor your email for further updates — especially after the cooling-off period comes to a close on Dec. 29.