Solidarity with Climate Action Week (September 20-27)

MUNFA stands in full solidarity with the Newfoundland and Labrador students who have joined millions of young people worldwide to declare a general strike for climate action this coming week. The Fridays for Future St. John’s demonstration will start at Memorial’s clock tower at 11 a.m. on September 27th.

In light of the indisputable evidence of rapid and devastating climate change, the negative effects of which are being felt in this province and around the world, we must answer the call for support from our students and other young people who have been fighting for climate justice.

MUNFA welcomes Senate’s support of academic amnesty for student participants in the global climate strike on September 27th. We are strongly committed to working in coalition with students and other members of the Memorial University community to ensure that our university plays its full part in combatting the climate emergency that faces us all.

As members of this coalition, MUNFA is hosting a Decarbonize MUN mini-conference on September 24th, from 2-4 p.m., in UC 2001. All are welcome.

We encourage MUNFA members to show solidarity with the strike in accordance with their conscience. In doing so, we join the Canadian Association of University Teachers, along with scores of other educators, civil society organizations, businesses and labour unions. Here are a few examples:

  • Education International: “Coordinated and sustained participation of students and workers and their representatives may be the first step towards climate justice. We stand by students in the demand for urgent climate action and a just economic transition.”
  • Following a motion from the University and College Union, the United Kingdom’s Trades Union Congress is calling on member unions to participate in the global climate strike with “workday campaign action.”
  • Medical doctors’ open letter calling for immediate action on climate change and recognizing the leadership of the school strikers.

For additional ideas and examples, see: