Supplemented Parental Leave Extended to Birth Mothers

MUNFA has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University permitting birth mothers to apply for up to fifteen (15) weeks of Supplemented Parental Leave. This benefit is available in addition to Supplemented Maternity Leave.

This MoU was signed to resolve a MUNFA Association Grievance and reflects a recent Supreme Court of Canada decision that determined it was discriminatory to deny birth mothers access to parental leave.

While on Supplemented Parental Leave, eligible birth mothers will receive a payment from the University equal to the difference between one hundred (100) percent of their weekly salary and the amount of Employment Insurance Parental Benefit they are expected to receive.

As a result of this MoU, Clause 22.59 now reads “An ASM who is the birth mother, partner of the birth mother or who adopts a child is eligible to apply for Supplemented Parental Leave.”