A Calendar Guide to Review, Extension of Tenure-Track Appointments, Tenure, and Promotion of
at Memorial University of Newfoundland
This is a Guide. Reference should be made to the relevant Articles in the MUN/MUNFA Collective Agreement July 25, 2003 – August 31, 2005.
- Establish Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Promotion to Any Rank
- Establish SWGC Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Promotion to Any Rank
- Review of Tenure-Track Appointee
- Tenure
- Promotion to Any Rank
- Vacancies on the Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Establish Promotion and Tenure File – All Candidates
- Promotion to Rank of Professor
- Tenure-Track Non-Decision Year Review
- Promotion and Tenure Files – All Candidates
- Tenure-Track Non-Decision Year Review
- Tenure or Extension of Tenure-Track Appointment
- Tenure or Extension of Tenure-Track Appointment
- Promotion to Assistant or Associate Professor
- Extension of Tenure-Track Appointment
- Promotion to Rank of Professor
- Extension of Tenure-Track Appointment
- Establish Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Promotion to Any Rank
- Establish SWGC Promotion and Tenure Committee
- Promotion to Any Rank
- Access to Files
- Interview – All Candidates
- Transmission of Promotion and Tenure Committee Report
- Notification To All Candidates
- Promotion to Professor – Letters of Reference