24 November 1999
Article 6
6.01 A research appointment is a tenure-track or tenured appointment under which the Faculty Member’s duties and responsibilities are defined primarily in terms of research with teaching duties not to exceed one course per semester without the consent of the Faculty Member.
6.02 ASMs whose duties and responsibilities are defined primarily in terms of research shall be assigned one of the ranks of Assistant Professor (Research), Associate Professor (Research) or Professor (Research).
6.03 A research appointment made after the signing of this Collective Agreement to a unit without a teaching programme shall include a joint or cross appointment in an Academic Unit with a teaching programme in which case the letter of appointment shall state the Academic Unit to which the ASM has the joint or cross appointment.
6.04 In the case of research appointments in existence prior to December 17, 1992, there shall be no teaching component unless specified in the letter of appointment or by mutual agreement between the ASM and the Administrative Head.
6.05 The normal expectations with regard to duties and responsibilities and the criteria regarding promotion and tenure and extension of tenure-track appointment shall apply mutatis mutandis.
6.06 Appointments, renewal of appointments, tenure and promotion shall be in accordance with the procedures set out in Articles 7 through 12.
6.07 The duties and responsibilities shall be an appropriate combination of those defined in Article 3.
W. E. Schrank
J. E. Strawbridge