November 12, 2000
Joint #30
Article 23
23.01 A term appointment is an appointment to a position with a defined term which does not lead to a consideration for promotion or tenure.
23.02 A regular term appointment is a term appointment under which the appointee performs the normal duties and responsibilities of an ASM. All regular term appointments for Faculty Members shall be for a minimum of twelve (12) months.
23.02#1x A regular term appointee shall be a member of the bargaining unit when he or she is required to perform one-half or more of the duties and responsibilities of a full-time ASM in the Academic Unit.
23.02#2x A regular term appointee, except a Librarian, with an earned doctorate or generally accepted terminal professional qualification shall be appointed at the rank of Assistant Professor or higher.
23.02#3x A regular term appointee hired at the rank of Lecturer shall be promoted to the rank of Assistant Professor, effective the date of notification of completion of an earned doctorate or generally accepted terminal professional qualification from a recognized University in a discipline appropriate to the appointment.
23.03 A teaching term appointment is a term appointment under which the appointee’s duties and responsibilities are defined primarily in terms of teaching. In both fall and winter semesters the duration of the appointments of fifty (50%) percent of the ASMs with teaching term appointments shall be for a minimum period of two (2) semesters.
23.03#3x Each Academic Year the Faculty Members within an Academic Unit or College Programme Unit shall decide by formal vote whether they wish to use the Search Committee provisions of Article 7 to make per course appointments or whether to delegate this responsibility to the Administrative Head. Such a formal vote shall be carried out, following discussion, at a meeting of Faculty Members who were notified of the meeting and the topic of discussion in advance. All Faculty Members in the Academic Unit or College Programme Unit shall be notified of the result.
23.05 A teaching term appointee shall be a member of the bargaining unit when he or she is required to teach a minimum of three (3) lecture courses, one (1) lecture plus one (1) laboratory course, or two (2) laboratory courses per semester.
23.05#1x Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 30, teaching term appointees, including retired ASMs, shall hold the rank of Visiting Professor, Visiting Associate Professor or Visiting Assistant Professor depending upon their qualifications, or, for retirees, the rank held at retirement, and shall be paid at the appropriate step on the Lecturer scale.
23.05#2x Notwithstanding the teaching norms for Academic Units as listed in Appendix E, no person shall hold a teaching term appointment during a semester when the teaching assignment is less than three (3) lecture courses, one (1) lecture plus one (1) laboratory course, or two (2) laboratory courses where the laboratory course is one for which the ASM is responsible in accordance with Clause 23.05.
23.06 The combined duties and responsibilities of a term appointee holding appointments in one (1) or more Academic Units shall be deemed equivalent to those of a single unit for the purpose of Clauses 23.02 to 23.05#2x.
23.07 If the letter of appointment states that a term appointment is for twelve (12) months or longer and is subject to renewal, the ASM shall be informed whether or not the appointment is to be renewed at least three (3) months prior to the expiry of the term. Otherwise, no notice of intention not to grant another appointment is required to be given by the University, and no notice of intention not to accept another appointment is required to be given by the ASM.
23.08 In any semester, the total number of individuals with term appointments, excluding those only teaching one course a year shall not exceed 35% of the total number of ASMs.
23.09 In making term appointments, the University shall follow the procedures set out in Articles 6, 7, 13 or 24 except that when appointments or extensions of term appointments need to be made urgently, such appointments need not be advertised.
23.10 No person on term appointment shall be excluded from consideration for any tenure-track appointment that may be made in accordance with Articles 6, 7, 13 and 24.
23.11 The duties and responsibilities of ASMs on regular term appointments shall be those specified in Articles 3, 4, 6 and 24 of this Collective Agreement.
23.12 ASMs with teaching term appointments and who are teaching three or four lecture courses or the equivalent during a semester shall be paid the greater of either:
(a) the salary corresponding to the salary scale in Appendix D.1 for the period of their contract;
(b) $3519 between September 1, 1999 and December 31, 2000 and $3800 from January 1, 2001 for each course taught plus an extra $1000 for each laboratory section in the case of Laboratory Courses.
23.15#1u A special Search Committee shall be established to identify candidates to fill a position and for which the Academic Unit in which the appointment is to be made is not known at the time the position is created or applied for. The appointment shall be made in accordance with Article 7 or 13 of the Collective Agreement, except that the special Search Committee shall be formed from the Academic Units in which the successful candidate is likely to take up his or her appointment. Insofar as is practical, each of the Academic Units in which the successful candidate is likely to take up his or her appointment should be represented on the special Search Committee.
23.15#3u The recommendation of the special Search Committee shall be subject to Collegial Consultation in the Academic Unit appropriate to the candidate’s qualifications and expertise in order for him or her to secure an appointment with the Academic Unit. The appointment shall be tenure-track, tenured or regular term.
23.15#2u The Vice-President (Academic) or his or her delegate shall perform the duties of the Administrative Head that are specified in Article 7 or 13 with respect to the appointment.
23.16 When it is appropriate for academic or professional reasons, an ASM may be appointed to more than one (1) unit of the University. Such appointments shall be called “joint appointments” or “cross appointments”.
(a) A joint appointment is one in which the salary of the ASM is charged to more than one (1) fiscal unit of the University, and the duties and responsibilities of the ASM are divided between the units.
(b) A cross appointment is one in which the salary of the ASM is charged to one (1) fiscal unit, but he or she is named to another unit in which he or she has a sustained academic or professional interest.
23.17 A joint appointment or cross appointment shall only be made with the consent of the ASM and on the recommendation of the Administrative Heads in consultation with the appropriate ASMs in the units concerned.
23.18 A joint appointment or cross appointment shall be made by the Board for a fixed period, and may be renewed or altered with the consent of the ASM and on the recommendations of the Administrative Heads in consultation with the appropriate ASMs in the units concerned. The termination or alteration of a joint or cross appointment, except for cause, shall not in itself jeopardize the ASM’s appointment with the University in the unit of primary responsibility, as specified under Clause 23.21. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, a joint or cross appointment will terminate upon the termination of the appointment in the unit of primary responsibility as specified under Clause 23.21.
23.19 The sources and level of administrative and academic support available to the ASM with a joint or cross appointment shall be mutually agreed by the ASM and the Administrative Head and shall be confirmed in writing by the Administrative Head.
23.20 In the case of a joint or cross appointment, the procedures and criteria to be used in assessing the ASM for renewal of tenure-track appointment, tenure and promotion shall be those of the unit of primary responsibility as specified in Clause 23.21. The Administrative Head and the appropriate ASMs of the other unit shall be consulted. In the case of a cross-appointment, this consultation shall not involve examination of the assessment file but shall be limited to written comments concerning the contribution the individual has made to the cross-appointed unit. In the case of a joint appointment, the full assessment file shall be made available to those consulted.
23.21 The letter of appointment shall be generally in the form set out in Clause 7.24 and in addition shall state the privileges and sharing, if any, of duties and responsibilities between the units. The letter shall identify the unit with primary responsibility for administrative and academic support, and for assessing the ASM for renewal of tenure-track appointment, tenure and promotion.
23.22 ASMs holding a joint appointment shall be eligible to attend department meetings, vote, be elected to or appointed to committees in all Academic Units to which the joint appointment applies.
W. E. Schrank
J. E. Strawbridge