TO: All MUNFA Members
FROM: MUNFA Executive Committee
DATE: October 10, 2023
SUBJECT: Association Grievance A-23-14 (Building Accessibility and Elevator Issues)
MUNFA has filed an Association Grievance related to the inaccessibility and prolonged inoperability of some elevators on campus. The MUNFA Executive Committee is aware that some elevators on St. John’s Campus have been in and out of operation for years on end as well as several elevators operating with long expired certificates. This is unacceptable, reflects an inequitable work environment, and is a Human Rights issue.
For any members who have experienced problems due to these accessibility concerns, the MUNFA Executive Committee would like to refer members to the NL Human Rights Commission as an avenue to report instances of discrimination. MUNFA cannot file human rights complaints on behalf of any individual however, individual Academic Staff Members have this option at their disposal.
The MUNFA Executive Committee is further asking any members who have experienced hardship in relation to this issue to please send your concerns to Please include the building and specific location of the elevator in question.