As the result of the resignation of MUNFA’s female appointed member to the Sexual Harassment Board, there is a vacancy for one female MUNFA representative.
I. The St. John’s Board Component shall be composed of one male and one female member appointed by each of the following constituencies. One male and one female member per union can be represented on the St. John’s Board. One male and one female member per local are permitted only when multiple locals from one union attend different union meetings, thus requiring the representation of unique concerns/priorities. The St. John’s Board shall have the following as its membership:
The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Local 1615
The Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association, (MUNFA)
The Newfoundland Association of Public Employees, Locals 7801, 7803, and 7804 Marine Institute Instructors NAPE 7405
Marine Institute Support Staff, NAPE Local 7850
Lecturers Union of Memorial University of Newfoundland (LUMUN)
Teaching Assistants Union of Memorial University of Newfoundland (TAUMUN) Council of Student’s Union (MUNSU)
Graduate Students’ Union (GSU)
Marine Institute Students’ Union (MISU)
University Administration
One member from outside the University
Sexual Harassment Advisor
If you are interested in serving in this interesting and important role, please return the completed form to MUNFA, Room ER4047 by April 12, 2013.