On August 27, 2018, MUNFA circulated an Information Bulletin (IB) regarding Academic Staff Member (ASM) inclusion of Course Evaluation Questionnaires (CEQs) in Promotion & Tenure files. The IB highlighted an important decision coming from an arbitrated grievance between Ryerson University Faculty Association and Ryerson University regarding student evaluations of teaching, and provided information to ASMs considering the use of CEQs as part of their teaching dossier in P&T files.
ASMs who are submitting or evaluating P&T files should be aware that surveys of student opinion about teaching do not properly measure teaching effectiveness and that research shows that they involve prejudices to the disadvantage of equity-seeking groups.
MUNFA encourages ASMs to thoroughly review the CAUT Teaching Dossier (Appendix B in the Collective Agreement) when compiling information to demonstrate teaching effectiveness as part of their P&T files. MUNFA reminds ASMs who choose to include CEQs or other student evaluation instruments in their P&T files that they must include all complete questionnaires received during the preceding three (3) year period (as per Clause 9.01 of the Collective Agreement).