Several members have brought to MUNFA’s attention that their Academic Units have undertaken an exercise required by the office of the Vice President (Academic) whereby the unit is expected to devise a hiring plan for the next four years. The documents provided by the administration identify in each Academic Unit the number of current Academic Staff Members (ASMs) who are age 67 or older, and who will reach age 67 each year through the 2016 Academic Year. This has led some ASMs to be concerned that there is going to be pressure (informal, if not formal) for those aged 67 to retire or to give a commitment for when they intend to retire.
We wish to assure members that there is not a mandatory retirement age and that this process should not be construed as an attempt to enforce one. At the same time, if any ASM finds they are being pressured or encouraged to retire, we ask that they notify MUNFA (ext. 8642, e-mail: immediately so we can raise this inappropriate action to the attention of the administration, and take whatever action that may be needed.