Memorial Active Directory Project

Many ASMs have contacted MUNFA with queries regarding the Memorial Active Directory Project. MUNFA advised administration that we wanted to discuss the implications of the Active Directory Project for ASMs. In response a meeting was held with administration and the chief information officer to receive clarification on the purpose of the project and on the benefits to ASMs.

The following information has been received from Steve Greene, Chief Information Officer.

Memorial Active Directory Project

According to Chief Information Officer, the Memorial Active Directory Project is part of the Identity and Access Management (IAM) Program that will create an enterprise Active Directory environment by consolidating over 16 environments across Memorial.  The intention of this centralisation and standardisation of systems is to automate network management of user data, improve security, and optimise resources.

Clarification Regarding Research Instruments/Research Data Agreements

  • Research instruments that are incompatible with or unsuitable for connecting to the Memorial Active Directory environment will not be in scope for this project.
  • Research data agreements and the parameters identified within will always be respected and related devices will not be required to connect to the Memorial Active Directory Environment.
  • Research groups that currently operate outside the Memorial Active Directory Environment will not be forced into adopting it.