MUNFA Update on the Return to In-Person Teaching

MUNFA Survey – Return to In-Person Teaching

While MUNFA’s survey of Academic Staff Members (ASMs) remains open until noon on Friday, January 28, 2022, given more than 50% of bargaining unit members have responded we wished to share preliminary results. Of the 458 respondents, 74% are concerned with Memorial University’s return to in-person teaching for all courses with enrollments of 99 or fewer on January 31, 2022.

We encourage all ASMs to complete the survey. If you did not receive an access link please contact

Outstanding Concerns/Questions Regarding Health & Safety Information

As noted in the preliminary survey results, 72% of respondents made it clear that they do not feel the health and safety information and guidance currently available from Memorial University’s administration is adequate to ensure students, faculty, and staff are safe, and feel safe, in on-campus classes. As the return to campus is just days away, the MUNFA Executive Committee wrote to senior administration urging them to respond to a number of outstanding questions/concerns with clear evidence and documentation.

Student Walkout on January 31, 2022

As many ASMs are likely aware, students concerned about the return to in-person teaching will be staging a walkout on January 31, 2022. Individual ASMs are encouraged to show solidarity with students in accordance with their conscience. We ask that ASMs provide academic leniency to students who choose to take part in the walkout. Organizers are asking individuals to use the hashtag #SafeMUN4Everyone to show their support online.

Workplace Accommodation Process

While we await a response from senior administration regarding outstanding questions/concerns, we suggest that ASMs discuss any health-related concerns with their doctor and seek medical advice/documentation as required. We also remind ASMs of the University’s workplace accommodation policy. If you encounter challenges with this process, please contact our office,