We previously sent an Information Bulletin- http://www.mun.ca/munfa/IB/2012-13/ib121315.pdf in which we mention that CEQs will now be administered exclusively online; they will no longer be given in the classroom. A number of Academic Staff Members (ASMs) have expressed concern about the reliability of the results of an online CEQ and, given a potentially lower response rate, that they may not have sufficient teaching evaluations if they wish to include them in their promotion and/or tenure (P&T) dossier.
The Collective Agreement does not require an ASM to include CEQs (or teaching evaluations) in their P&T review file. However, it does require an ASM to demonstrate documented effectiveness and scholarly competence as a teacher. Article 12.13(a) of the Collective Agreement advises an ASM to follow suggestions in the CAUT Teaching Dossier (see Appendix B of the Collective Agreement). The Teaching Dossier includes a number of strategies, including teaching evaluations, for demonstrating effectiveness and scholarly competence as a teacher.
Many ASMs may still wish to include teaching evaluations in their P&T dossier. For ASMs with concern about the usefulness and reliability of online CEQ results, we encourage them to develop their own instrument for evaluating teaching and, if they wish, to include those results in their P&T dossier. In order to increase the integrity of results, an ASM may wish to have a third party collect completed evaluation forms and hold them until after grades are recorded for students in the course.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact the MUNFA Office (munfa@mun.ca).