Under the Collective Agreement, all tenure-track and tenured Academic Staff Members (ASMs) who were employed as of April 1, 2007 may claim up to $400 in this fiscal year for qualifying expenditures as a PDER (see Article 31 below). These expenses must have been incurred since April 1, 2006 and the claim must be submitted by March 31, 2008.
The new terms for the PDER in the Collective Agreement dated December 13, 2007 – August 31, 2009 can be found in Article 31, under the heading:
BENEFITS – Professional Development and Travel Expense Reimbursement Fund (PDTER), Clauses 31.57-31.66.( http://www.mun.ca/munfa/ca200709.htm#TOC3_10 )
In order to qualify for reimbursement, expenditures must contribute to the professional development of the ASM so that he or she can better serve the University and its students. Expenditures in the following categories are eligible:
- books, subscriptions, equipment, computer software, instruments, materials or supplies which shall remain the property of the University;
- travel, accommodation, or cost of supplies directly related to meetings or research activities including field trips not covered by other University funds;
- registration fees for scholarly conferences;
- page and reprint charges or costs incurred in the preparation and completion of scholarly manuscripts;
- academic association memberships including memberships related to professional licensing or certification procedures.
Item (e) was changed in the Collective Agreement by a Memorandum of Understanding signed by MUNFA and MUN in June 2006.
Qualifying ASMs who wish to make a claim for 2007/2008 should therefore prepare their claim for submission before March 31, 2008. Receipts or other evidence of the expenditure (such as copies of the invoice and the check or credit card slip) should be enclosed where possible. The reimbursement request must be submitted on a travel claim form to your Administrative Head. Clearly identify the claim as the PDER and charge the expenses to the subcode 64029.
Please see attached PDF download for more information.