Second Call for Nominations – 2018-19 Executive Committee and Nominating & Balloting Committee

This is the 2nd call for nominations for the 2018-2019 Executive Committee and the Nominating and Balloting Committee. The following is a list of NOMINEES received to date for the 2018-2019 Executive and the Nominating and Balloting Committees:


President/CAUT Council Delegate (1 year term):

  • Robin Whitaker, Associate Professor, Anthropology

Vice-President External/President Elect (1 year term):
Vice-President Internal (2 year term):

  • Jon Church, Professor, Medicine

Secretary (1 year term):
Treasurer (2 year term):

  • Erin Alcock, Librarian III, University Library

Member-at-Large Grenfell Campus (1 year term):
Members-at-Large (four 1 year terms and one 2 year term):

  • Robert Gendron, Professor, Medicine
  • Scott Matthews, Associate Professor, Political Science
  • Richard Rivkin, Professor, Department of Ocean Sciences
  • Sevtap Savas, Associate Professor, Medicine

The terms of office for various Executive positions have been staggered in order to ensure continuity on the Executive Committee. (Attachment A). A Term-Appointed Member-at-Large will be appointed in the Fall semester for a 1 year term.

MUNFA 2018-2019 NOMINATING & BALLOTING COMMITTE (FOUR members are to be elected)

  • Sherrie Myers, ASM-CE, Engineering

Official nominating forms are attached. Further nomination must be accompanied by (1) the signature of the nominee (indicating his or her willingness to serve), and (2) the signatures of a proposer and seconder. All three must be members of MUNFA. The nomination period ends at noon on February 21, 2018. Each candidate has the option of submitting to the Committee a statement of not more than 150 words which shall be circulated to the membership. Such statements must be received by the MUNFA office by noon on February 22, 2018.

In accordance with the MUNFA Constitution and the Terms of Reference of the Nominating and Balloting Committee, an election for members of the MUNFA Executive will be organized after the close of nominations. The Nominating & Balloting Committee will also be elected at this time.  Under amendments passed at the October 1992 General Meeting, voting will be by mail ballot.


Please forward all nominations to the MUNFA Nominating & Balloting Committee, c/o MUNFA Office, Room ER4047, Alexander Murray Building, by noon on FEBRUARY 21, 2018.