Student Accommodations – Winter Semester 2022

Since the January 31, 2022, return to in-person teaching, the MUNFA Office has heard from many Academic Staff Members (ASMs) who feel overwhelmed and overworked as they attempt to handle high volumes of both formal and informal student accommodation requests.

The rights and obligations of ASMs to provide formal accommodations for students with disabilities are outlined in Clauses 27.28-27.30 of the MUN/MUNFA Collective Agreement. Such accommodations are coordinated through the appropriate campus co-ordinating centre: Blundon Centre (St. John’s campus); Student Affairs Office (Marine Institute); and Learning Centre (Grenfell Campus).

When providing informal, pandemic-related teaching accommodations, MUNFA recommends that ASMs contact their Administrative Head and the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL) to request any required classroom space, technology needs, and other resources to support the accommodations. If an ASM is advised that the University is unable to provide the required resources and supports, we ask that they contact the MUNFA Office at