Because COVID-19 is spread by an airborne virus (SARS-CoV-2), adequate ventilation/filtration of the air in indoor spaces is a crucial tool in preventing infections. MUNFA has been concerned about the air quality in campus spaces and has attempted to get information on this topic from MUNL’s administration to no avail. On Feb. 1, 2022, MUNFA’s Executive Committee filed an ATIPP request to get data on classroom ventilation and air quality. MUNFA representatives requested on March 21, 2022, that the administration publish this information on MUNL’s COVID-19 information website; as of Oct. 13, 2022, MUNL has published a file with some ventilation information, but this is not as detailed as the ATIPP file procured by MUNFA. Because of this, MUNFA is making its data available to all members.
MUNFA’s Executive Committee does not know if the information in our spreadsheet is up to date. We welcome more information from MUNL’s administration, including updated information about ventilation/filtration measures in classrooms and labs, as well as air-quality testing in the same spaces while they are in use. This information should be shared widely with the university community.