CAUT Equity Award


CAUT is soliciting nominations for the CAUT Equity Award. The Award was established in 2010 to recognize post-secondary academic staff who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to challenging exclusionary behaviors and practices such as racism, sexism, and homophobia and by so doing have made post-secondary education in Canada more inclusive.


  • The candidate must be an academic staff member at a Canadian post-secondary institution;
  • The candidate’s contribution must have had regional or national implications although it may have been focused locally (in a single university or college), provincially, regionally, nationally or a combination of these; and
  • The candidate’s contribution may derive from the result of a single project or activity, or the accumulation of efforts through consistent involve3ment over a long period of time.

Nominations for the award may be submitted by academic staff associations or any other interested parties or individuals. The deadline for nominations is February 1, 2017. The nominations form and procedures are available on the CAUT website. Nominations will be reviewed by CAUT’s Equity Committee and recommendations will be forwarded to CAUT Council. The number and frequency of awards will be as the Committee and CAUT Council deem appropriate.