Call for Job Action Committee Volunteers

As outlined in recent Negotiating News communications, MUNFA is actively taking steps to prepare for job action. To that effect, a Job Action Committee (JAC) has been struck and a strike headquarters is being secured.

While it is still our hope that a mutually satisfactory Collective Agreement can be negotiated without job action, we intend to be ready in the event that job action is needed. Currently, the JAC is seeking interested Academic Staff Members to assist with the following sub-committees:

  • Finance Committee – responsible for coordinating strike pay and overseeing all expenses related to a strike.
  • Picket Committee – responsible for all aspects of picketing which includes, but is not limited to, selecting picket captains, organizing training, and scheduling picketers.
  • Strike Services Committee – responsible for running strike headquarters, supporting all activities that take place at strike headquarters, and providing services required by strike organizers (transportation, food and beverage, etc.)
  • Grenfell Campus JAC– responsible for the organization of strike activity at Grenfell campus.

If you are interested in supporting the work of the JAC, please contact the MUNFA office (ext. 8642 or email: for additional information or to volunteer for work with any of these groups.