Under the current Collective Agreement (Article 22), a maximum of one year’s unused entitlement may be carried forward from one Academic Year to the next. This does not apply to ASMs with Teaching Term Appointments, who must use their vacation leave before the end of their contract (it cannot be rolled over or paid out in lieu).
Clause 22.03(c) states:
22.03(c) Written notice shall be given to the Administrative Head by the ASM by September 30 of any unused vacation leave being carried forward. The notice shall specify the amount of vacation leave carried over to the next Academic Year, the vacation leave allowance for the previous Academic Year, the vacation leave taken in the previous Academic Year, and the amount of unused vacation leave being carried forward to the current Academic Year.
If you wish to carry over any unused vacation leave, you should submit to your Head a memo containing the following information, in accordance with Clause 22.03(c):
(30 days after 10 years of service, 25 days otherwise)
(Maximum 2 years’ entitlement)