Indigenous Cluster Hire MOU

As many Academic Staff Members (ASMs) may have seen, Memorial University is seeking to fill up to five new full-time, tenure track Indigenous academic staff positions in any discipline. The position advertisement and process through which these positions will be filled was agreed to by both Parties through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

The signed MOU varies the normal process through which ASMs are hired as outlined in the Collective Agreement and we encourage interested members to review the full text of the MOU.

MUNFA is aware of concerns that have arisen at other Canadian institutions around supports and resources provided to targeted hires, particularly for Indigenous ASMs, and we will closely monitor this process to ensure it falls in line with the relevant Canadian Association of University Teachers Policy Statements (Indigenizing the Academy and Recognition of Increased Workload of Academic Staff Members in Equity-Seeking Groups in a Minority Context).

Questions related to this MOU and the Indigenous cluster hire can be directed to the MUNFA Office,