In 1973, MUNFA established a scholarship trust fund for the promotion and encouragement of education at Memorial University. Recognizing the financial struggle of many students, MUNFA is proud to offer tangible support in our fight for high-quality, publicly-funded, accessible post-secondary education for all.
Since its establishment, 563 students have been supported thanks to the gracious donations of Academic Staff Members here at Memorial. The MUNFA Scholarships Committee would like to thank our many contributors at this time and to call on our colleagues to please contribute to the Scholarship Trust Fund.
With changing economic times, and increased costs of university tuition, each MUNFA scholarship awarded today is valued at $2,500. In 2017, six deserving students were provided support, however without additional donations, this number will decrease in the coming years.
As many of the longstanding contributors to the MUNFA Scholarship Trust Fund have either retired or moved on from Memorial University, we need your help to ensure we maintain the same, or increased, level of support for students at Memorial.
If you would like to establish payroll contributions, please complete the attached contribution form and return to the MUNFA Office. One tiny contribution from every ASM would make a huge difference in the lives of those students who are struggling financially. Additionally, if you would like to increase your current contribution please indicate on the attached form and return to the MUNFA Office.
A tax receipt will be issued at year end, or if you wish to receive your receipt immediately, please indicate this with your contribution.