As conciliation talks resumed between Memorial University and its faculty and librarians’ union, the union has set next Monday as a strike date in the event that a new collective agreement has not been concluded by then.
“The Parties met with the conciliator this afternoon,” Dr. Noel Roy, President of the Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty Association (MUNFA), said yesterday. “I hope they will meet as long as possible today, and then resume negotiations on a continuous basis until a collective agreement is agreed to.”
Roy said that while several substantial issues remain unresolved, including salary, pension arrangements, and working conditions, he was hopeful that a strike would ultimately be unnecessary. “The negotiating teams will have to work very hard to achieve a settlement in time,” Roy said, “but I think it’s doable.”
In a strike ballot held Friday, the MUNFA membership authorized the MUNFA Executive to call a strike if it decided to do so.
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CONTACT: Dr. Noel Roy
President, MUNFA
Tel: (709)737-8642 or 737-8245
Fax: (709)737-3703