NEWS RELEASE: MUNFA Statement on Islamophobia and Racism

In the wake of the recent racist attack in Québec City, Memorial University Faculty Association wishes first and foremost to send our condolences to the families and friends of the victims and offer our solidarity to the Muslim community. In the words of Premier Philippe Couillard: “Nous sommes avec vous.” We are with you.

MUNFA condemns Islamophobia and xenophobia, as well as any cultivation of hatred on the part of politicians and public figures to cement partisan advantage. Their words create the contexts in which racist attacks, including hate crimes and murder, seem justified and justifiable. In unequivocal terms, MUNFA advances anti-racism, equality, and equity in all of its actions. We join with other unions and faculty associations, locally, provincially, and nationally, to stand strongly against racist, Islamophobic, xenophobic hatred.

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