Second Call for Nominations For One Vacant Position on the MUNFA Executive Committee 2018-2019

MUNFA has received a resignation from an elected member of the 2018-2019 MUNFA Executive Committee, who has recently taken an appointment outside the Bargaining Unit. As the result of this resignation one Member-at-Large position is currently vacant. This is the second call for nominations to fill this position for the remainder of the one year term (August 31, 2019). All MUNFA members are eligible.

The following NOMINATION has been received to date for the 2018-2019 Executive Committee:                                                                                    

  • Luke Ashworth, Professor, Political Science

An official nominating form can be found by following the above link. Each nomination must be accompanied by (1) the signature of the nominee (indicating his or her willingness to serve), and (2) the signatures of a proposer and seconder. All three must be members of MUNFA. Each candidate has the option of submitting to the Committee a statement of not more than 150 words which shall be circulated to the membership.

NOMINATING & BALLOTING COMMITTEE 2018-2019                                       

Erin Alcock, Q.E. II Library (ex-officio) 864-7427
Michael Kirkpatrick, History 864-6109
Scott Matthews, Political Science (ex-officio) 864-3093
Sherrie Myers, ASM-CE, Engineering 864-3900
Yolande Pottie-Sherman, Geography 864-8984
Kristen Rome, HS Library 864-6064

Please forward all nominations to the MUNFA Office, Room ER4047 by noon on December 17, 2018.