Request for Volunteers

A number of groups that are key to MUNFA’s operations — especially at the current moment, when members are engaged in bargaining for a new collective agreement — have little or no representation from Grenfell Campus. All ASMs at Grenfell are invited to participate in any of the following groups. Descriptions and contact information for prospective volunteers are below.

Contract Action Team:

MUNFA’s Contract Action Team is working to maximize member engagement and to create a well-organized membership that will be able to fight for, and win, the contract all members deserve. This involves mobilizing members as well as developing fast communication avenues both to get developments at the negotiating table out to members, and to get members’ views to the Negotiating Committee. If you are interested in joining the Contract Action Team, please email Tannara Yelland at


The primary function of department liaisons is to be in contact with ASMs in their academic unit, both to keep union leadership connected to what members are concerned with and to relay information to members quickly (e.g., about bargaining developments or upcoming actions). The work of liaisons is related to the Contract Action Team but is intended to continue beyond current contract negotiations. Ideally, there will be one liaison per 10 ASMs — meaning that larger departments will require multiple liaisons. If you are interested in acting as a liaison for your unit, please email Tannara Yelland at

Job Action Committee:

MUNFA’s Job Action Committee is responsible for coordinating strike pay and all expenses related to a strike, all aspects of picketing, and securing and running a strike headquarters. A subcommittee responsible for activities at Grenfell Campus currently has no members. To get involved, contact the MUNFA office,