The administration presented its position on Article 30–Cooperative Education Coordinators (CECs) to the MUNFA Negotiating Committee on November 18. It appears the administration wants to negotiate back what we have gained by 7 years of difficult work through the Labour Relations Board (LRB) and the courts.

In short they refuse to accept the legal decision of the LRB that CECs share a community of interest with ASMs. Instead, the administration is proposing what amounts to a separate Collective Agreement for CECs using language from other trade unions and terms and conditions for staff. There is almost no common ground between this and our proposal which is available at the MUNFA office for your review.

The MUNFA Negotiating Committee will look at all its options before responding and will keep you apprised of developments.

MUNFA Negotiating Committee:


  • Jon Church (Medicine) – Chief Negotiator
  • Tony Chadwick (French & Spanish) Alternate Chief Negotiator
  • Ed Andrews (SWGC)
  • Aspi Balsara (Q. E. II Library)
  • Glenn Clark (Education)
  • Dorothy Milne (Q.E. II Library)
  • Richard Rivkin (OSC)
  • Leo White (Engineering)
  • Chris YouĂ© (History)
  • Marian Atkinson (MUNFA Executive Officer, non-voting member)